
Abstract Art Generator

Create Amazing & Unique Artwork

Generate stunning abstract backgrounds, wallpapers, posters, logos, paintings, patterns, icons and avatars.
Let your imagination run wild.

4 simple steps for creating your artworks:
1. Launch AbstractCurves
2. Select a preset from Galleries
3. Adjust its settings to make your own masterpiece
4. Save your artwork as a preset or graphic file (JPG, PNG, BMP)

      Try It Free!
Main Window - abstract background picture app

No experience is needed to enter the special world of digital abstract art. All you need is an eye for appreciating the intricate beauty which evolves automatically within the graphic images that AbstractCurves will generate for you with just a few simple adjustments. The only hard part is knowing when to stop.


AbstractCurves is a unique graphics design tool which automatically generates one-of-a-kind images so that you can add fantastic effects to your photographs and commercial artwork with ease. It allows you to easily create stunning wallpapers, posters, images, logos and avatars in just a few minutes, all without a steep learning curve.

Graphic design generator cover
Abstract background picture app

Unlimited Design Capabilities

You will find yourself getting lost in the program, as the potential for inspiration is limitless. Try superimposing the images you generate onto your own photos using the Transparent Background option and create logos, icons, avatars, etc.

This ensures that any images you wish to use or sell as backgrounds, wallpapers, icons or within your graphic media will be unique to you, the designing artist. For even though the program paints with magical brushes, you're the one who determines the final masterpiece.

Abstract painting hd download or create


As it is clearly difficult to imagine the unimaginable, we've set up several examples as starting points for your inspirational trips into the unknown abyss of creativity.

Custom Presets

Not only can you create an unlimited number of effects, you have the ability to create and save your own presets. We start you off with over ten galleries with no less than 130 built-in presets.


You can choose any color for your generated image or your background. Along with the ability to use over 30 built-in color palettes with over 7000 colors, you can also create and save your own palettes and color themes. Once you get going, you will realize that the odds of someone both creating and saving the same image as your own masterpiece will be over a billion to one. There's even 16-bit image support.

Release the artist trapped within your soul

Express your creativity with digital imagery

Demo Version

$ 0
  • 130+ built-in presets in 10+ galleries
  • 30+ built-in color palettes with 7000+ colors
  • No image size limits - Generate pictures up to 8191px without loss in quality
  • Adding generated images to your photos (Open Image Mode)
  • Works as a standalone application and as a plugin - 8bf file format
  • Save images in high quality
  • Scripting support (Plugin only)
  • 16-bit image support
  • Popup nag screens
Random art generator boxshot


Upgrade your Demo to the Full version

Computer graphics program by Softonic.com

software informer award clean

Available for Windows
as a standalone or plugin to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro,
IrfanView, and others which support .8bf files.

Includes 15 extra Galleries with 155 Presets!!!


Includes 12 extra Galleries with 233 Presets!!!

Full Version

$ 20
  • All demo features + Commercial use
  • Create and edit color palettes to set foreground and background of abstract image
  • Create and edit presets/panel presets to save your own archive of abstract images
  • Create and edit galleries to categorize your images
  • Import color palettes from Adobe Photoshop (.aco), Corel PaintShop Pro (.PspPalette), GIMP (.gpl).
  • Transparent background option for creating logos, icons, avatars, etc.
  • No popup nag screens