Nowadays, there are thousands of handbags for you to select from tote bags, crossbody bags, clutch, to shoulder bags, hobo, and satchel. Are you so confused to choose bags that fit your body? As clothing, you need pick a handbag that flatters your body most. My tips will help you sort through which bag will fit and flatter you the best.
If you are petite …
As you can see, Anna Kendrick selects an appropriately sized, structured bag to work well with her petite frame.
You should choose bags that have shorter handles or adjustable traps. This type will help you look taller. Don’t select oversized, slouchy bags; they will not balance your figure.
If you are tall …
You should wear medium, large, and oversized bags like Blake Lively to flatter your height best. You can select bags like clutch or a slouchy, hobo style bag if you are going out. Of course, small and tiny handbags will make you look taller.
If you are pear shaped …
Above, Beyoncé sports not only a baby bump, but opts to emphasize her hips by carrying her bag lower.
You’d better wear a bag that will fall between your natural waist and above the hips. This will help make your shoulders look broader. A satchel handbag will usually fall comfortably at your waist and hips. You should hold your clutch higher up to avoid attention from your hips.
If you are apple shaped …
You will look chic and beautiful like Jennifer Hudson if you select a structured, wide handbag. Tote bags, satchel with a long strap (on one shoulder, not across) are the best choices for you.
If you are straight up and down …
Get a satchel or boho bags like Cameron Diaz and you will flatter your body with some curves. Let your bag hang around your waist, shoulder bags are great for this. Try different sizes and styles to see which gives you the most curves.
Whether your body shape is big or small, you should always balance your outlook. Browse Dresslink to get more beautiful items for this summer. Remember to use our Dresslink coupons for lower prices. We hope that you will have a great summer without spending too much.