Are you tired of wearing your scarf the same old day? With one scarf in your wardrobe, how can you create a new look from this accessory? Let’s play with us and we have many more ways to transform the scarf. Try now and have more fun.
The Angle:
Take the two corner of the scarf and tie them together. You will have a hole for your arm
Repeat the same step for the other side. Tie the other corner together and put your arm into that hole, too.
You’ve just created the angle sweater. This will keep you warm and cover up.
The Sweetheart Dress:
Keep the scarf behind you as if you are drying with bath towel and bring the two top corners together.
Tie them together and pull the knot close to your body like this.
Make two knots and let them gather both ends in the back. Secure this dress by tying the two corners together.
And now the sweetheart is completed. It’s a sexy and cute dress. It’s perfect for going out.
The Resort Dress:
For the next step, again put the two top corners together.
But instead of tying the two around the chest like the sweetheart look, tie it up to create a sleeveless dress.
Make sure it’s secured. It’s called the resort. And it’s perfect for the beach or poolside.
The Caped Crusader:
Find the middle part of your scarf and with the corner end.
Tie the corner with middle part of your scarf.
On the same side, tie the middle and the corner together. And now your new coat is ready. This layer is perfect for a night out.
Find more stunning and fabulous scarves at Jollychic to freely create new dresses for yourself. And don’t forget to browse Jollychic coupons for reduced prices.